Sep 20, 2018 | Sin categoría
The professors Raúl Reina and Alba Roldán, from the Motor Control and Learning Lab of the Sport Research Center will coordinate the European Congress in Adapted Physical Activity (EUCAPA). It will be host by the Miguel Hernández University, from the 21st to the on...
Jul 12, 2018 | Sin categoría
The presentations presented by our colleagues from the Biomec group, Dr. María Pilar García-Vaquero (evaluation of trunk stabilization exercises with smartphone) and the doctoral candidate Gregori Valero-Conesa (power and stability training in multiple sclerosis), in...
Jul 12, 2018 | Sin categoría
El doctorando del Centro de Investigación del Deporte, Alejandro Jiménez, presentó el pasado 19 de Junio la ponencia titulada “Healthism and experiences of social, healthcare and self-stigma in higher-weight women”, durante la celebración de la 6th Annual...