
The 7th and 8th of June the “I National Seminar of Inclusive Sports” was hosted at the Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) in Madrid. The main aim of this seminar was to bring together Spanish professors who teach the subject of Adapted Physical Activity at their universities, with the aim of improving or designing new strategies to include students with disabilities in the Sport Sciences degree.

The professors from Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche Raúl Reina and Alba Roldán talked about their education program “Incluye-T”. To know more about the program, click here.

You can also take a look to the paper Incluye-T: a professional development program to increase the self-efficacy of physical educators towards inclusion. Both professors and researchers from APCOM research group, with the collaboration of some colleagues, have evaluated the effect of the training program called “Incluye-T”. The aim of this program is the inclusion of students with special education needs in physical education.